The Upside-Down Gratitude List: What It Is And Why You Should Have One

The Upside-Down Gratitude List:  What It Is And Why You Should Have One

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a rule-follower…mostly.

Honestly, my preference has always been to be a rule-follower with a twist. While I wouldn’t call myself an upstreamer, necessarily, I don’t like jumping whole-hog onto a popular bandwagon, either. Instead, I prefer to think over an activity or opportunity first, and then if I feel that it’s a good fit, I usually do my own version of it.

It was no different with my gratitude list this year. A close friend of mine asked me if I’d like to join her in filling out a 2-week list of things I was thankful for. I loved the idea and was excited to start.

But the day I printed out the fill-in-the-blank sheet to start my gratitude list, Baby D got sick…again.

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