The One Question Every Christian Wife Must Ask Herself

The One Question Every Christian Wife Must Ask Herself

How do you feel about submission in marriage? Is it something you think about a lot, or is it a topic you rarely devote any brain cells to?

Honestly, it usually makes me cringe. Not because I don’t think it’s good or Biblical - I definitely trust that if God commanded it, He had a very good reason for doing so. But I see it so misunderstood, so misquoted, and so misused that it makes my head spin.

Just last week, I read yet another blog post on this very topic. But instead of groaning my way through the author’s mis-application of Biblical submission, I had an “a-ha” moment. Because, for the first time, I was finally able to put my finger on something that had escaped me until I read that post.

I’ve long noticed an undercurrent in most of the stuff I read about wives submitting to their husbands, but it was so subtle that I hadn’t ever been able to pinpoint it before. After reading last week’s post, however, I now know exactly what it is that bothers me so deeply when many people try to explain Biblical submission.

And it led me to ask myself a question that every Christian wife must ask herself:

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