4 Ways I Failed to be A Good Friend

If you had to take a test on being a good friend to someone else, would you pass?  I know I wouldn't.  I could blame my introverted personality or my busy schedule.  I could say I live too far away or that I didn't want to interrupt someone's day.  But those would be excuses, not reasons.

Being a good friend doesn't come easily to me.  I've let entire weeks (and in rare occasions, months or even years) go by without checking in on my friends.  A lot of that does have to do with my shy nature that thrives best at home, but a lot also comes from being forgetful (and perhaps a little lazy, too).  

As a Christian, however, I know that friendships are vital.  We need other Christians to come alongside us, support us, and encourage us in God's Word.  If we don't actively pursue friendships for these purposes, they won't happen on their own, and we'll lose those opportunities.

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What a Passover Meal Taught Me About Perfection and Grace

For the past several years, Jon and I have tried to put together a Passover meal of sorts for the spark plugs.  Each year varies slightly, but our goal is to serve grape juice, unleavened bread, and lamb while we have the kids take turns reading various Scripture passages that pertain to Passover and the Last Supper.  

This is a great way to help everyone connect the Old Testament sacrificial system with Jesus' perfect sacrifice on the Cross.  

This year, we had many of the traditional dishes:  barbecued lamb, boiled eggs, bitter herbs with salt water, carbonated grape juice.  But while the boiled eggs turned out perfectly, the gluten-free unleavened bread I tried to make flopped royally.

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6 Things to Do When Your Mama Heart Hurts

6 Things to Do When Your Mama Heart Hurts

Seeing children suffer is one of the hardest things in the world.  It can even make us begin to question whether or not God is as good as He claims to be.  And if you're anything like me, you would much rather do something other than sitting idly by.  While I think learning to wait well is a skill that every believer needs to develop, I also believe there are at least six things we can do when our mama hearts hurt.

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Does Your Daily Quiet Time Need A Makeover?

On paper, I look like a fantastic Christian.I've been saved for nearly 30 years.  I grew up in a Christian home.  I went to a Christian college and earned a minor degree in Bible.  I'm married to an amazing Christian husband.  I even read my Bible every day for over 5 years.

But just because I look good on paper doesn't mean that my faith is strong or that I have life all figured out.  In fact, the very opposite is true.

Whenever I go through a crisis, I panic in fear instead of standing boldly in faith.  While I have a lot of Bible facts memorized, I really don't have the first clue about applying the truths of God's Word to my life.  And even though I read my Bible every day for so long, I never studied it or let it change me.  At times, I actually feel like a Christian fraud.

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How to Start A Coffee Tradition with your Struggling Son

Jon and I used to watch Locked Up Abroad, a documentary on Westerners who have been incarcerated in another country.  (I don't necessarily recommend the show; I seem to remember some pretty gruesome details at times.)  Most of the stories were about men who had decided to do drug runs once or twice to earn extra income and who had been caught in the process.  Without fail, what they all regretted most was having hurt their mothers by their poor choices.

And it made me realize something important:  we as mothers have a profound influence over their children, even when we don't feel like we do. 

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3 Ways to Pray When Your Mama Heart Hurts

"When Your Mama Heart Hurts" was one of the most-loved posts on the blog last year.  And you know what?  It was one of my favorites to write, too, because it's something that's often on my heart.

From physical infirmity to spiritual struggle, there's no shortage of heartache that we as parents go through as we watch our children suffer.  That's simply life in our broken, fallen state.

But for the believing parent, there is always hope.  And I've come to realize that there are three very specific ways we can pray when our mama hearts hurt.


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On Whole30, Celiac Disease, and the Bread of Life

I'm currently in the middle of my first-ever so-called Whole30.  I don't have anything against grains, legumes, dairy, or sugar - I love a giant cookie as much as anyone else - but I decided to try this month-long eating plan for a few reasons.  For starters, I have some small health concerns that I'd love to reverse naturally.  More importantly, Whole30 is similar to the diet and lifestyle that we've found best suits Turbo's diabetes and Celiac Disease needs, and I think he really needed someone to journey with him on his food adventures.  Plus, I had some support since a few of my extended family members had recently done it themselves.

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Can There Be Beauty in the Hallway?

When we moved into our current home a little over a year ago, I was a bit apprehensive about having a house with a hallway.  I've shared before that hallways, whether literal or figurative, aren't my favorite things.  But as I've grown used to my new home and as I've walked down my new hallway countless times, I've begun to notice something totally unexpected:

I'm falling in love with my hallway.

Honestly?  I can't believe that I'd ever even like a hallway, let alone love one.  But as I walk through my hallway multiple times a day, I've come to realize some important things about it:

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3 Ways to Enjoy A Slice (or Two) of Humble Pie

This past week I got to eat not one, but two slices of humble pie.  And if I'm honest, they didn't taste all that great, at least not at first.

With the first slice, I thought I had some wisdom to offer a friend who was going through a hard time.  But it turned out that I had completely misunderstood the situation, and my insights were so off the mark that they didn't really relate what she was experiencing.


(She was very gracious.)

For the second slice, my quartet was preparing to sing in front of small audience.  I had prepared well, so I thought, and was really starting to feel confident about my part.  I hadn't given much thought to what might happen if I got nervous.

However, I now know what happens when nerves hit:  I can't sing.  At all.

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Why I Said Goodbye to Social Media


This word isn't all that popular today, not even in many Christian circles.  Obedience often (always?) requires sacrifice.  And sacrifice is uncomfortable.

Last weekend, Arabah Joy's weekly newsletter landed in my inbox as it normally does each Sunday afternoon.  Now, I've long enjoyed her challenges to seek a deeper walk with Christ, and I eagerly look forward to reading what she has to share.  But this weekend's email hit me like a ton of bricks.

"What do you need to stop doing in order to start growing in your faith?" she challenged us.

And I knew immediately what my "stop doing" list needed to entail:

Social media.

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Do You Have A Heart Murmur?


This word isn't all that popular today, not even in many Christian circles.  Obedience often (always?) requires sacrifice.  And sacrifice is uncomfortable.

Last weekend, Arabah Joy's weekly newsletter landed in my inbox as it normally does each Sunday afternoon.  Now, I've long enjoyed her challenges to seek a deeper walk with Christ, and I eagerly look forward to reading what she has to share.  But this weekend's email hit me like a ton of bricks.

"What do you need to stop doing in order to start growing in your faith?" she challenged us.

And I knew immediately what my "stop doing" list needed to entail:

Social media.

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5 Lessons I Learned from Reading My Bible Every Day for 5 Years

When I was in high school, I heard about a young woman who faithfully read her Bible every single day for over two years.  Since I was used to reading consistently myself, I decided to take on the unspoken challenge to see if I could read every day for two years as well.

Starting that day, I made sure to faithfully read a portion of Scripture daily.  My aim was for 1-3 chapters per day, though occasionally I was only able to snag a few verses from Psalms or Proverbs.  All through the rest of high school and well into college, I kept reading - even when I was sick, even on days I flew from California to Florida for school, even when I didn't feel like it, I read.

By the time I stopped, I had read my Bible every day for well over five years.  And during that time, I learned a lot about myself, about spiritual growth, and about grace.  Today, I want to share 5 lessons I learned from reading my Bible every day for 5 years.

It is possible to read your Bible every single day.

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Is God Faithful When Life is Bleakest?

Do you ever stand in amazement at God's provision?  I certainly do.  Three years ago, family and friends put together a fundraiser for Turbo's much-needed insulin pump.  No one who participated had any expectations about how much they would be able to raise for us - they simply wanted to donate to our need.  The fundraiser ended up covering the entire cost of his pump plus supplies for over 2 years.  Friends, I can't even begin to express what this did for my faith.  I can only say that God is faithful.  So faithful.

When my friend Julie from Tokyo Blossom Boutique experienced her own medical trial and got to experience God's faithfulness first-hand in her own life, I asked if she'd be willing to share her story with us here on the blog.  She willingly agreed, and I am so honored to be able to let you read her story today!  It echoes so much of what I've personally been through, and I know her story of God's faithfulness will inspire your faith, too.

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Are You Scared to Want Spiritual Growth?

Do you ever stand in amazement at God's provision?  I certainly do.  Three years ago, family and friends put together a fundraiser for Turbo's much-needed insulin pump.  No one who participated had any expectations about how much they would be able to raise for us - they simply wanted to donate to our need.  The fundraiser ended up covering the entire cost of his pump plus supplies for over 2 years.  Friends, I can't even begin to express what this did for my faith.  I can only say that God is faithful.  So faithful.

When my friend Julie from Tokyo Blossom Boutique experienced her own medical trial and got to experience God's faithfulness first-hand in her own life, I asked if she'd be willing to share her story with us here on the blog.  She willingly agreed, and I am so honored to be able to let you read her story today!  It echoes so much of what I've personally been through, and I know her story of God's faithfulness will inspire your faith, too.

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4 Things I've Learned in 13 Years of Marriage

Jon and I had our thirteenth anniversary this month!  And we celebrated by spending a few days in Monterey while my parents watched the spark plugs.  In some ways, it felt almost silly to celebrate this year - I mean, it wasn't a "big" anniversary like our 10th, 15th, or 25th.  And someone superstitious might even find it odd that we chose to celebrate our 13th.

The thing is, though, that we really need to celebrate the small moments in life as well as the big ones.  Every year that Jon and I get to spend with one another is a blessing, and that's worth rejoicing in.  It doesn't matter that this year wasn't a year that society considers important.  Every year is important to us.  Every year is a gift.  And we're thankful for each year the Lord gives us.

One night while we were away, Jon and I stood by the glowing embers of a bonfire on the beach, watching the moon rise over the ocean.  It was just the two of us, the other bonfire attendees having long given up standing in the brisk night air.  And it was indescribably beautiful.  The vast ocean reminded me of just how big Earth really is - and more importantly, how big God is - while the twinkling stars overhead reminded me that we live on a single planet, in one solar system, in one galaxy out of millions.

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5 Truths for Times of Waiting

5 Truths for Times of Waiting

Have you ever felt stuck in life, wishing that things were different?  Have those times of waiting for something to change felt like they lasted forever?

Waiting on the Lord's timing for things can be pretty difficult, especially when we feel desperate to get out of our current situation.

Today on the blog, guest poster Kira Bridges from Joy Pursued shares five things she learned from her current time of waiting.  I'm so thankful for her willingness to share her thoughts with us!

5 Truths for Times of Waiting - by Kira Bridges

Moving for my husband's job left me unemployed.  Even though the small town offered few job opportunities, I confidently applied for openings, believing that someone with my education and experience would have no trouble finding a job.  I was wrong.

I applied and interviewed for job after job, only to receive a "we regret to inform you..." email, or, more often, never hearing back at all.  "Why doesn't anyone want me?" and "I am useless," became regular thoughts.

Finally, after six months, I secured a job...but I hated it.  Truthfully, I knew before accepting the position that the organization was a bad fit for me, but desperation took over.  I thought a job would solve my problems and restore my purpose.  Again, I was wrong.

Unable to keep ignoring the knot in my stomach every time I drove to work, I quit six short months later.

Two years and four months later, I am still unemployed.  During this time I earned a Master's degree, volunteered for an organization in my field, and applied for jobs all over the western part of the United States.  Yet, despite my best efforts, here I remain.

This past summer, my frustration reached a peak.  I felt stuck, trapped even, and I let God hear it.  "Why have You brought me here to waste my life!?  Was all my hard work for nothing?  Haven't I suffered enough?"

In His grace, God answered me, "Stop trying to do things your way."  Suddenly I understood; God placed me here and then shut all the doors I tried to escape through.  I was indeed stuck...just the way God wanted me.

I would like to tell you I immediately submitted to God's will, giving up the job search and my quest for a "better life," but I didn't.  Even though I understood God planned for me to stay put, I didn't understand why (plus, my way seemed so much better!).  Still struggling with my desire to move, work, and be in control, I started taking baby steps towards God.

  • I invested time in studying the Bible (desperately looking for answers).
  • My prayers became more frequent and more fervent.
  • I adopted Proverbs 3:5-6 as my life verses, asking God for the courage to let go of my way and trust Him.
  • God called me to write about my journey, so I started a blog.

With every step, my desires slowly melted away, replaced by God's desires for me.  And as I inch into the life God intended for me, God restores my joy and refreshes my soul.

I don't know where you are today, but I believe five things are true for you during times of waiting:

  1. God plans times of waiting in order to draw you close.  In her book Wait and See, Wendy Pope says, "The wait is more about experiencing God than enduring the delay."  God longs to spend time with us, and periods of waiting often bring us right to Him.
  2. God wants to work within you.  God desires to shape us into the image of Jesus.  In fact, Paul tells us, we can be confident that God is constantly at work in us.  "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6, NASB).
  3. God desires to do amazing things in your life, if only you will work with Him and not against Him.  "God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!  He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us (Ephesians 3:20, MSG).
  4. God works with a willing heart and small steps of obedience.  Isaiah 1:19 tells us, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" (ESV).  Even as you wait, show God your willingness and obedience, and He will bless you for it.
  5. God will not fail you.  Remember Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (ESV).  Your wait may feel like it will never end, but God promises a future, and a good one, too.

So are you ready to let go of what you want and turn instead to what God wants?  I can't promise your situation will change, but I am confident that your heart will!

Kira Bridges is pursuing joy by seeking the life God intended for us.  She blogs at Joy Pursued, sharing lessons learned and resources to help women move fully into the joyful life God has waiting for them.  Living in the sunny part of Oregon with her husband, daughter, and two dogs, Kira believes living with joy is a lifelong journey and would love for you to join her.  You can hang out with her on Facebook and Instagram or follow along on Pinterest.

5 Truths for Times of Waiting

Is Your Goal Setting Missing This CRUCIAL Component?

Is Your Goal Setting Missing This CRUCIAL Component?

Many people are now aware of the importance of goal setting and planning.  I'm even beginning to hear of people who consider themselves goal-setting junkies!  Most of us do some sort of planning at the beginning of each year, and many of us actually see some of our dreams start to bear fruit as a result of our preparation efforts.

I'm all for planning, preparation, and goal setting.  In fact, I think it's important not only to set annual goals, but also monthly, weekly, and daily ones as well, with frequent reviews at those same intervals.

But as excited as I am that so many of us are making good use of goal setting, I've also begun to notice that many of us are also skipping one crucial component of goal setting!

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4 Benefits from Seasons of Waiting

4 benefits from seasons of waiting

Note:  Some of the links in this post are affiliate links.  You can read my disclosure policy here.

For most people, waiting isn't fun.  Not only does it try our patience, it can cause stress and strain unlike anything else.  But have you ever thought about what benefits seasons of waiting might bring us?

Today, I'd like to welcome guest blogger Erica Morrison from Passionfruitful Life!  She's sharing with us 4 blessings that seasons of waiting can bring us.

Waiting for your dreams to unfurl? - by Erica Morrison

So, perhaps you have some great ideas and dreams for your life.  You are excited about the possibilities, and you've even begun to take some baby steps, or even big steps, in that direction.  You take a few more baby steps and wait patiently.  Surely your dreams are around the corner.  Excitedly, you round the corner and...nothing seems to happen.  So, with a tiny bit of doubt but still a lot of hope, you try something else...and still, those dreams don't seem to be anywhere close.

After some more tries and some discouraged feelings, you might wonder what you're doing wrong and why you have to wait so long.  You feel ready now!You may have heard a story about a little boy who was watching a butterfly struggle to get out of its cocoon.  The boy wanted to help the butterfly get out, so he got a pair of scissors and cut a slit in the cocoon so that the butterfly could easily get out.  The butterfly did get out quickly, but unfortunately, it flopped to the ground and wasn't able to unfurl its wings and fly.

The fact is that the patient wait and struggle to get out of the cocoon would have helped the butterfly to strengthen its wings and therefore fly once it got out.  (Adapted from a story in Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman.)

You might be tempted to fly into the things you believe God is calling you to.  But for now, this time of waiting and active struggle is for a purpose.  It's strengthening you - your patience and character, your contentment, your faith, and your skills and abilities.  One day, in perfect timing, you'll be ready and have the strength to "leave the cocoon" and begin to unfurl your wings and fly.

Let's go more deeply into why God allows us to wait and some suggestions of what to do while we are waiting.

Waiting grows our patience and character and makes us more ready for our dreams.

We may think we are ready now...or maybe even yesterday, but God might think otherwise.  He wants to mature us and build our perseverance and character so we will be better able to handle our dreams when they do come around.  Even when the little seeds we plant (our baby steps toward our dreams) don't seem to be growing, like a farmer, we need to just keep planting and tending our seeds.  In time, with plenty of water and good soil, those seeds are going to begin to sprout...and slowly grow into mature dreams.  Our lovely field of dreams is coming, but we need to keep persevering and not give up.

We need to learn to enjoy life and all the good things in our lives now as we wait for our dreams to unfurl.

It's so easy to focus on the future and miss enjoyment of the wonders of our current moments - for example, the people in our lives, nature in the changing seasons, and the opportunities we have now.  It's easy to notice these good things only briefly and then hurry on to whatever urgent things we can do to meet our goals.  But even when we do reach our goals, there will always be more goals to look forward to - as well as new struggles - so it's important to enjoy our time now and not miss out on our current life and all its delights.

Waiting can build our faith.

It's so easy to get discouraged and give up when we thought our dreams were just over the horizon and they weren't there yet...nor were they over the next one.  But "believing without seeing" is such an important quality to develop.

God loves for us to build our faith; it shows that we trust that He will come through on His promises even when we can't seem to see a hint of them.  And He loves to eventually reward that faith.

When our dreams don't come easily, it can stretch us to consider new options, try new strategies, and build new skills.

We may have new ideas that will turn out to be better than what we originally planned, or we might be challenged to do some of the things we were a bit skittish about doing before.

On the other hand, we do need to be careful and prayerful about our steps so that we do not try to make our dreams happen in unwise ways (which don't work well, anyway) rather than doing the things God does want us to do.  It's wise to slowly step out in the direction you think God is leading you and make sure it's really the direction He wants you to go.  You can then prayerfully look at the results and then decide whether or not you should continue.

So in these moments of waiting and struggle, just keep praying, asking God what He wants you to learn at this time, taking those little steps as you grow in your patience, faith, and skills.  One day, your strong butterfly wings will beautify the sky with your gifts and dreams, and we'll all benefit from the way you've grown and unfurled during your wait.

Your turn:  What else can we do during our wait for our dreams to come to pass?  Any other reasons you can think of why we might experience a time of waiting?  Share with us in the comments!

Erica Morrison lives in Ontario, Canada with her rambunctious almost-2-year-old and husband (yes, he's quite rambunctious, too). She is a Christ-follower seeking to live a life of passion and fruitfulness and wants to help others do the same. She loves to travel (when she can afford it) as well as learn about the many cultures right here at home.

Erica recently became a certified professional life coach and is loving the opportunity to help women move closer to their dreams in life, career and parenting. She blogs at Passionfruitful Life, and you can find her on Facebook here 4 benefits from seasons of waiting

Are You Nagging God with Your Prayers?

are you nagging God with your prayers? Do you struggle to pray while in a season of waiting?  Do you ever feel as though you're nagging God with your requests?  If so, today's post is for you!

I am so blessed to be able to introduce you to guest poster Katie Beth from Our Seasons of Grace!  Katie has graciously agreed to write today's post, and I am so glad to have her here at the Hallway Initiative.

While You Are Waiting - Katie Beth

When I was much younger waiting for something, I learned to not nag to my parents. Instead of annoying my mother with persistent questions or requests, I was quick to be quiet and instead, wait. I clearly remember a time when my mother became very annoyed with my requests and lost patience with me. I was quick to please so I soon resolved I would not annoy her again with questions or requests. Nowadays, I am sure I take that to the extreme and don’t ask at all because I don’t want to be seen as a nag.

This behaviour often tends to seep into my prayer life. I have found I will pray a prayer once, and that’s it. I don’t want God to think I’m being a nag with my prayers. Even when I want something so badly, I often feel like I'd just be annoying God with my requests.

But guess what?  Guess what I am slowly learning when praying to our Heavenly Father?

When we approach our Heavenly Father, we are not nagging or annoying. When we have prayer needs, we are not nags.

God wants to hear our requests

God wants to hear our requests.  And He wants us to keep asking.

A couple of months ago, I was privileged with the opportunity to attend the True Woman conference. Talk about being convicted and encouraged! The overall theme was Crying Out to God. In one particular session, Janet Parshall talked about the widow in the book of Luke who approached a judge everyday while waiting for his answer.  Since then, prayer has been on my mind more than usual.

The widow is an example for us: she always asks and she never gives up. Every day she approaches the judge. And every one of those days, she pleads for mercy. She doesn’t hesitate to go to the judge. She doesn't go to him one day and then stop because she's concerned that she'll be a nagger.  She persists.

God still hears our prayers even if we pray them once. But we can look to the widow and be encouraged to approach God every day without being a nag.

The beginning of this passage in Luke 18 even says, ‘Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and never give up’ (NIV). Jesus may have been talking to his disciples at that time, but I am confident we can use this advice as well:

We should always pray and never give up praying.

The apostle Paul is another example on how we should pray. On numerous occasions Paul talks about praying continuously. In almost every letter he wrote to a church, he said he was praying ‘always’, and 'continuously' for them.

Other verses by Paul tell us to ‘be constant in prayer’ (Romans 12:12); ‘in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known’ (Philippians 4:6) and ‘pray without ceasing’ (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

These verses give me assurance that I am not a ‘nag’ to God. And I hope they give you assurance as well. We can take these verses and pray confidently every day knowing God wants to hear from us. God doesn't see me as a nag, nor does He see you as a nag.

Just like we all should be, I need God’s direction in my life. Each day I am asking God to reveal His plan, to lead me in His direction. While I am waiting, I am going to keep asking. While you are waiting, know you can keep coming to God.

Katie Beth is a daughter of the King, writer, housekeeper, and student in Australia.  She is learning to find contentment in her singleness by leaning on the Lord's strength and trusting Him with His plan for her life.  She blogs at Our Seasons of Grace, where she shares about recognizing God's grace in our lives.  You can find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Related:  Are you waiting well?

are you nagging God with your prayers?

3 Takeaways from the Business Boutique

3 takeaways from the business boutique Last weekend, I was privileged to attend Christy Wright's Business Boutique.  I'd looked into going earlier this summer, but when I tallied the cost of the conference ticket, air fair, a hotel, and a rental car, it just didn't seem financially feasible.  However, the Lord must have wanted me to go, because He provided the ticket and air fair, leaving me to cover just the car and hotel!  (I was even able to share the hotel costs with another gal to help further lower the cost.)

Although I'd heard glowing reports about the Business Boutique, I honestly didn't know a lot about it.  I knew Christy Wright was a believer, but I wasn't even sure if her beliefs would come through in her speaking or if the conference would focus only on business without much emphasis on spiritual issues.  I was thrilled to find that the event focused on faith!

I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the fact that I was under the weather and that there were people everywhere (not usually something I enjoy as an introvert).  I made new contacts and came away with a wealth of encouragement and ideas to share with Jon!

In fact, I found 3 major takeaways from the Business Boutique that seem to apply to much more than just business:

God has a plan and a purpose for your life

Before the Business Boutique, I'd never heard of Christine Caine.  But she ended up being my favorite speaker at the event!  I know many other ladies felt the same.  Christine said over and over again:  "God has a purpose for your life.  It doesn't matter how old you are, how unskilled you believe yourself to be, or how invisible you feel.  If you are still here on Earth, His purpose for you isn't finished yet."

It's really easy for me to focus on my weaknesses and ignore my strengths, to the point that feels as though God can't use me at all.  I see my failings as a Christian, as a wife, as a mom, and as a friend.  But the problem with seeing all of my faults is that I'm simply too focused on what I can't do that I forget about what God can do.  Where I fall short, He can fill in.  Where I am limited, He is limitless.  And when I stop being selfish and stop dwelling on my shortcomings, I remember Christine's insight that He has a plan and a purpose for me, and He can use me to further His kingdom.

Nothing is impossible with God

Christy Wright had an excellent quote: "God starts at 'impossible.'"  We might not feel equipped to handle what the Lord is asking of us, but He is faithful to enable us to do whatever it is He asks us to do.  Nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible with God.  He enabled Noah to build a boat that saved himself and his family even though everyone else laughed at him.  He brought Job through intense suffering and gave Job back all that he once had and more.  He sent His own Son to take our punishment and to conquer death.

If He has given us a heart for ministry, He will equip and enable us to follow through with it.  It might be overwhelming to us, but our God is a God who loves doing what is impossible!

Steward your limited resources wisely

The truth is that we will always have more things we want to do than we'll be able to do.  There is no shortage of opportunities, but we all have limited resources.  We need to use those resources (Christa Hutchins refers to time, money, and knowledge as the resource triangle) to the best of our abilities.  Whenever possible, we need to focus on the areas where our strengths shine and let others help us where we're weak.  In this way, we can work together for the furtherance of the Gospel.

As an example, online personality Amy Porterfield surprised me when she confessed that she is only active on Facebook and Instagram.  Although Pinterest is heralded as the next up-and-coming social media platform, she simply can't do all three well, so she's chosen to use her time wisely by focusing only on the two platforms she feels will be the best use of her time.

The reminders that God has a plan and purpose for each and every one of us, that nothing is too big or impossible for Him to do, and that we must make the best use of our limited resources were invaluable, not only as a blogger, but also for life in general.

I loved the Business Boutique and am so blessed to have been able to attend!

3 takeaways from the business boutique